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Criticizing Stem Cell Critics

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Recently, A. Rahman Ford, a PNN columnist, wrote an interesting article on Why Stem Cell Critics Are Failing, in reference to several New York Times and New Yorker articles and how the author’s intentions can have the opposite desired effects.

Rahman Ford’s article explains that “the American public is simply not buying what critics are selling,” as up to 1,000 stem cell clinics are operating in the United States.

Now, we have to be aware that such clinics are not quite the same; since there are several serious medical professionals who carry out medical protocols and research that point to the effectiveness of stem cell treatment for certain conditions.

Such is the case of the Hematology Service of the University Hospital UANL, in Monterrey (Mexico), which present much of its research on the page for review by
health professionals around the world. Through this page, the medical staff of UANL University Hospital gives a reliable account of the results that are presented in the treatments with stem cells for patients with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, autism, among others. is a database of clinical studies funded with public and private funds made throughout the world.

Some of these protocols can be reviewed in the following links:

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